Putty Connection Manager è un interessante porting del famosissimo client Telnet/SSH, a cui aggiunge un comodo supporto per istanze multiple disposte in differenti tab, dockabili, all’interno della stessa finestra.
Ecco l’elenco delle fnzionalità del programma:
- Tabs and dockable windows for PuTTY instances.
- Fully compatible with PuTTY configuration (using registry).
- Easily customizable to optimize workspace (fullscreen, minimze to tray, add/remove toolbar, etc…).
- Automatic login feature regardless to protocol restrictions (user keyboard simulation).
- Post-login commands (execute any shell command when logged).
- Connection Manager : Manage a large number of connections with specific configuration (auto-login, specific PuTTY Session, post-command, etc…).
- Quick connect toolbar to quickly launch a PuTTY connection.
- Import/Export whole connections informations to XML format (generate your configuration automatically from another tool and import it, or export your configuration for backup purpose).
- Encrypted configuration database option available to store connections informations safely (external library supporting AES algorithm used with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits, please refer for the legal status of encryption software in your country).
- Standalone executable, no setup required.
- Localizable : English (default) and French available (only when using setup version, standalone is english only).
- Completely free for non-commercial, and personal use : PuTTY Connection Manager is freeware.
Il software è stato testato su Windows XP SP1/SP2 e Windows Vista. Richiede necessariamente la presenza del Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
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